Each Gemstone is examined and analyzed  with specialized instruments under 10X magnifications with corrected triplet loupe, Binocular Microscope, color master

stone comparison, electronic carat balance, Dichroscope, Polariscope, Chelsea Filter, Refractometer, Spectroscope and ancillary instruments as necessary by NGL.

Each NGL Colored Gemstone Certificate clearly states whether the stone is natural or synthetic and provides other data describing its:

  • Weight,

  • Dimensions,

  • Shape,

  • Cut,

  • Color,

  • Optic Character,

  • Refractive Index,

and other major  characteristics,

If the stone has undergone any treatment, this information will be listed on the certificate as well. it also includes a detailed photograph of the stone.

The NGL colored stone report is based on a precious stone analysis, which is designed to identify the species and variety of a colored gem.

An authentic NGL Laboratory Report is the common language of trust and confidence in the gemological world.

Feel Free to contact us for any kind of gemstones information.